Media with Maddy and Addy


  This week, Addy and I had a blast recording our social media podcast! We talked about our different experiences, thoughts, and challenges with social media. Currently I post for Ohio Northern's PRSSA chapter, Women in Business, and Alpha Xi Delta. Hopefully in the coming months, I will be running the National PRSSA accounts! Addy has also had many different opportunities similar to mine. She ran Alpha Xi Delta's accounts last year and now runs the AIGA, the Association of Graphic Artists, at Ohio Northern. In addition to that, she helps promote a podcast called "My Doctor Said What?", which aims to help people understand medical jargon and provide health tips and posts for a high school basketball team as well. With our combined experience we are able to reflect on social media and content creation often. We frequently bounce ideas, designs, and posts off of each other for our various accounts before posting them, so it was easy for us to talk about something we are both passionate about!

    We talked about our shared struggles in the role of Electronic Communications Director for Alpha Xi Delta. Coming up with unique and original content for a sorority is rather difficult. When every sorority posts the same trends and has similar popular aesthetics, we agreed that it is hard to stand out. Along with that challenge, we have to do it alone. Most sororities today have entire committees dedicate to social media, while our chapter allows only one person to do it all. This becomes challenging because it creates a pretty big workload. When reflecting on our sorority experience, we asked each other what we think is the most challenging platform to post on. We came to the consensus that TikTok is the most challenging. Having to edit multiple clips, include music, write a caption, and keep up with trends is a grueling process. 

    Addy and I then went on to discuss how we spend our time on social media. We answered that question in two different ways because of how the question was phrased. At first, we both agreed that we spend more time scrolling on Instagram than any other platform. Then we realized that we only do that because of our work and experiences posting for a variety of accounts. We then thought about how most people our age would probably say TikTok is what they spend most time on. However, we had a moment of forgetfulness, because when I clicked on my phone in the middle of recording, I saw the Snapchat icon and we quickly changed our answers. We both spend an unhealthy amount of time on Snapchat, yet we still didn't think of it right away as social media. 

    Those are just a couple of the topics that Addy and I covered. Overall, I really enjoyed being able to talk about and reflect on my passion for social media, especially with someone who shares that passion.

Link to listen!!


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