
     Last week, as most of you know, ONU's PRSSA chapter had the opportunity to travel to New York! This trip was considered our out-of-state firm trip, and it was absolutely amazing. I had never been to New York before, and I was so excited to go! My mom has been a bunch for work and always told me how amazing it is, but I kind of thought she was just exaggerating...Until I actually got to go myself. She was, in fact, not exaggerating at all. I LOVED the city. The fast-pace and vibe of everything and everywhere we went was so unique and energetic. I could seriously see myself being there for a couple of years after college. 

    The trip included visits to various well-known public relations firms or agencies. I truthfully didn't know what to expect because I had never been to an agency before, but agency life seems to be the direction I want to go. Being able to work on multiple accounts and with more than one client seems interesting and exciting. I have been thinking about working at an agency for a while now, because I don't know if I could pick one industry or specific area to focus on, and I thought working with different clients within an agency would help me figure that out. However, after the trip I could see myself working at an agency for maybe my entire career because I like switching my focus up, don't want to get bored and want to stay busy. 

    Some of the firms we went to included Porter Novelli, Finn, Axis Capital, Hunter and Allison. Hunter and Allison were located inside of the World Trade Center. The offices alone were breathtaking, then they listed off a few of their clients and my jaw could've dropped to the floor. Just to name some that you might be familiar with; Tobasco, Samsung, Budweiser, Lysol, Revlon Cosmetics, Amazon, Band-Aid and Listerine. CRAZY. And those were only clients from two of the five agencies. This trip connected me with people who are phenomenal public relations professionals. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity. 

    Not only did we do stuff related to public relations, but we also had some free time to be true tourists. Our first stop of the entire trip was at a New York pizza shop at midnight. New York pizza did not disappoint any of us! The next day, in between meetings, we took a walk-through Central Park. The park was so breathtaking and full of life. Later that night, the group of students walked to the heart of Times Square and took a million photos. Taking the subway and navigating around to all of these locations was an adventure in itself every time. The minimum amount of travel time from place to place was 30-45 minutes. 

     I could write on and on about how amazing, memorable and fun this trip was. I don't want Dr. Aggie to find a ton of grammar mistakes though, so I am going to end here. If you have never had the opportunity to go to New York, you should add it to your bucket list!


  1. The pizza in New York is no joke. I had always heard that the pizza was good but wow I don't know if I expected that. It was so surreal being there and seeing things that you would see in the movies. I agree that it is somewhere everyone should try and go at some point in their life.

  2. I knew you would love NYC! So grateful you had this amazing opportunity to experience it. I can't wait to see where your career takes you!

  3. What an amazing opportunity and experience (as a Freshman!) to go to NYC with PRSSA. Such a great start to your college and career journey!


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