
     The Stukent simulation that we have completed over the semester was very educational. I know I learned a ton from all of the different rounds. The simulation is also an amazing alternative to a final exam! The Buhi bags that we were promoting felt like a real client by the third round, once I got the hang of it. Having to strategically schedule posts and create target audiences for each platform based on resources provided was challenging at times but showed me how important each of those aspects are when creating posts. 

    Organic posting was probably my favorite type of round. The organic posting didn't pose too many challenges for me because it is exactly what I am doing for various organizations already. The only thing we had to budget for was the media, so money was not too much of an issue. 

    Paid posts were not a huge challenge either! Now by no means was I doing AMAZING, but I was doing OK at least. I felt like there were only two noticeable differences, with paid posting you had to budget more efficiently and deal with the amount of money you were willing to spend in order to boost the post and you had to carefully curate the audience. 

    Influencers were horrible. The three influencers rounds probably dropped my ranking overall by at least three of four places. The video at the beginning of each round encouraged us to try all of the different types of influencers, so I did, and it just didn't make me money. I learned a lot, but my grade is going to suffer. The influencers were also very demanding for the budget we were given. 

    Overall, I am very glad that we do this simulation instead of taking a final exam. I learned a ton and did have fun completing the rounds. I will say that I always did my best and spent a decent amount of time on each round and would still be disappointed with my ranking almost every time. I know that the overall grade for the simulation will still be fine, but it was frustrating.  


  1. I agree that the organic posting was the best part. I also agree that influencers were pretty difficult to do well in. I noticed that the revenue for everyone was pretty low so I didn't put as much effort into those weeks. In the end, this was so much better than a final exam.

  2. My personal favorite part was interacting with the influencers to try and get them to promote Buhi. I agree with your closing statement, I am also very glad I did this program. It taught me a lot!


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