
My weekends at home are always the best. My first week of class was chaotic and honestly draining, so I was ready for a break.  

My dog missed me so much, he got so excited when he saw me, and it absolutely melted my heart. 

I was able to visit my extended family, spend time by the pool and eat delicious food. 

However, the BEST part of the weekend was spending time with my little cousin, Millie. Millie is my mom's cousin's baby. She is almost two years old now and is so precious. This summer I had the best time spending most days watching her. Easily the best summer job I have ever had. Babysitting her frequently allowed us to create an amazing and very special bond. Apparently after our weekly routine stopped after I moved back to school, she continued to say my name and ask for me to her parents and at her daycare. When I saw her again this weekend for the first time in a while, the first thing she did was show me her new shoes! She knows me too well!! 

All summer she was addicted to all four of the "Despicable Me" movies. I probably watched them all at least 50 times. She has now graduated from those and is currently obsessed with "Finding Nemo".  At the pool this weekend she was pointing at the water and tapping her hand saying "fishy" over and over and over.  

Millie's mom sends me at least one video per day while I am away. She is always saying new words and growing bigger in each one. The experiences I shared with her over the summer and relationship I have with her makes me so excited to become a mom one day. However, some of the situations have made me want to hold off on that for a long time. Changing poop filled diapers, fighting to get her down for a nap or even just the constant need of attention and zero alone time were a few things that make me feel that way. But as soon as she smiles at me, says my name or looks into my eyes I forget about all of those diapers and whining. 

Of course, I will attach a bunch of adorable pictures for you all to enjoy!! She seriously is an amazing baby and I feel so lucky to have her in my life. 


  1. I can tell how much you enjoy being with Millie, you have talked about her a lot. Everytime we spoke over the summer you made sure to mention how much fun you are having babysitting her. I am glad you were able to take a little get away and spend time with the people you love.

  2. Younger cousins are the best! I enjoyed reading about your experience watching her this summer and I hope you continue to have a special bond with her as she gets older! I'm the oldest cousin of 13 on my dad's side so I related to this post a good bit. Miss the days when they were a little younger!

  3. I love seeing my younger cousins! They definitely give me an unhealthy level of baby fever, but they balance that with some interesting experiences. It's so great that you got to see Millie when you went home and I'm sure she's looking forward to the next time she sees you!


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