Passion for PR

     The start of the new semester has already made me realize something important. I am passionate for public relations. Other involvements and classes have reassured me that I am in the correct field of study. I am pretty bad at math and science, but posting on social media accounts and writing papers is way more my speed. The Public Relations Student Society of America has already given me many opportunities and experiences to keep me excited for school and my future career. Last semester, the Ohio Northern PRSSA chapter went to Nashville, Tennessee for a conference called ICON.

The trip was the highlight of my fall semester, and I am looking forward to more traveling experience with the club in the future, which might include Seattle, Washington in March! 

    PRSSA brings in a guest speaker every meeting, weekly. The speakers come from different industries and speak on various topics. Some topics from last semester included brand identity, tips for a successful career and adapting to artificial intelligence. If you have never attended a meeting, I highly recommend doing so! This week, alumni, Alyson Hoffman will be talking about her experience with PRSSA. Alyson has actually been an amazing mentor and is one of the people who influenced me to come to Ohio Northern for public relations. 

    Another reason why I am so passionate about public relations and PRSSA, comes from home. My mom is an alumni of Northern's PR program as well as the PRSSA chapter. I grew up around public relations my whole life and mirrored my mom's academic ability. As I previously mentioned, I am bad at math, well so is she and my dad is actually a math teacher. She told me stories about Northern and spoke of her amazing professors and experiences that PRSSA offered her when she was here. On my first visit to campus, I met Aggie and Alyson happened to be the one to give me my tour that day. I knew from that day on that I was supposed to be here and that the public relations program and the PRSSA chapter would make me feel closest to home. What makes all of you feel at home here at Northern? 


  1. The ICON trip was so fun and I agree about it being the highlight of the fall semster! While I didn't have the backgroud that you did in PR, the field of PR always had something pulling me towords it. I have enjoyed my time in PRSSA very much and I am egar to see what new expirences will come with the organization!

  2. I also feel like you are in the right field! Your drive in public relations I have been able to witness first hand. Whenever we talk about school almost the first thing you bring up is PRSSA and the public relations community here at Ohio Northern University. I can most definitely see why you are so passionate about it and how bright of a future you have in the field.

  3. Honestly, this sounds like you're exactly where you are meant to be! Your passion for Public Relations is inspiring and PRSSA sounds like an amazing organization to be a part of. If you end up going on the trip in March I would love to read about your experience, I think it would be super cool and a great way for people to see what PRSSA is all about!

  4. I am so excited for you and very proud of you for pursuing your passion. I love that we can share this journey together.


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