Power of Social Media

     While social media and social media marketing are considered a fairly new concepts and strategies, we know that they will never go away. We know this because compared to outbound or traditional marketing, social media has an insanely higher success rate when it comes to sales. Along with the business side of things, the social climate of the world has changed drastically. What used to be, people standing in their kitchens with their ear glued to a phone that was attached to a cord in the wall, is now someone walking around with their eyes fixed on a little screen for hours and hours each day. Now, I don't know about you, but I could not be attached to the wall in order to be on a call. I spend a ridiculous amount of time not only on my phone, but on social media alone. 

    The evolution of social media has changed so much and so rapidly that people are always trying to play catch up, even the experts. With this game of catch up, comes varying abilities to use social media in an effective way. Which is why, right now, social media is a priority for most companies and has created many new potential career paths for upcoming professionals like me. This entire chapter has made me think about how big of a role I will play for the company that I end up working for in the future. 

    I was shocked to learn that not many universities offer programs around social media. I was shocked because social media plays such a vital role in society today that if we do not teach enough to the upcoming generations then they will have a gap in their ability, kind of like the generation or two above us right now. The issue is that there are not enough people knowledgeable about social media to be able to teach skills to others. Honestly, that all makes sense because no one truly knows everything about it, which is what fascinates and intrigues me about the field.  

    Social media has so many advantages and disadvantages. I am curious to know if you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or negatives that are associated with it? Along with, what do you think is the greatest and most powerful advantage, or disadvantage related to social media in the business world currently?


  1. I totally agree with the fascination of the fact that no one knows everything about social media, It has become such a prominent part of society and such a versatile tool that is constantly developing and changing. Social media has changed the world and definitely has many disadvantaged and has had negative impacts but the advantages and opportunities that it has produced have been life changing for so many people. I think one of the biggest advantages of social media is truly the networking opportunities. Businesses, organizations, people, etc. have had incredible opportunities because of the connections they have made through social media.


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