Xi Best Choice


    One of the best decisions I have made during my time at Northern so far was my decision to rush. Coming to a new environment all alone is scary. I knew I needed to find a way to connect with as many people as I could. Sorority recruitment allowed me to do just that! Now, did I plan on joining the same one that my mom was in, absolutely not. However, you end up where you are meant to be and with people who are the best fit for you. I was terrified going into the recruitment process though. My mom reassured me many times that everything would work out in the end, but I still was so nervous to meet a bunch of new girls and let them judge me after two-minute-long conversations. Dressing up for each round and viewing all of the social media posts the sororities would make before each night also added to the anticipation. Despite my nerves, I found my home and fully believe that it is where I was meant to end up. 

    My mom was also ecstatic about my newfound home. She called me every night of recruitment asking about my thoughts on each chapter. During those calls, she would try to sneak comments to get me to favor Alpha Xi going into the following day. Her pushing me toward them made me want to choose another sorority even more. I already chose the same school that she attended, am studying the same major, and didn't want to play the legacy card for the third time. As fate would have it, I ended up loving the girls in Alpha Xi and knew it was right for me. Of course, she was right. While trying to convince me over the phone, I didn't realize that she was making perfect sense and truly did just want what was best for me. 

    Since joining Alpha Xi Delta, I have smiled so much more and have gained opportunities I would not have had otherwise. Running over to my new sisters on bid day was a feeling I will never forget. Especially since I ran over to a giant hug from my mom and Addy. Addy would eventually become my big and had connected with me instantly during recruitment. We both absolutely love reality shows, social media, and trips to McDonald's together. 

    Coincidentally, I also took on her old role within the sorority as Electronic Communications Director and Graphic Design Chair. These roles consist of making all of the graphics, posters, social media posts, and banners for the chapter. I am so excited to see what my future in Alpha Xi holds and I can't imagine being here without my xisters!


  1. I can totally relate to college being scary especially when you don't know anyone. I think it is awesome that you are able to follow so closely in your moms' footsteps and still feel like it is the best path for you. The position you have seems to be right up the alley for the topics we are discussing in class as well.

  2. I decided not to rush as I felt like it really wasn't for me or who I am. With that being said, I'm happy for you, that you were able to put yourself into an uncomfortable enviroment and situation and make it out a better person, that takes a lot of courage. Whenever we talk you always mention something about that sorority and the friends you made in it. I can tell you really enjoy it and are relieved that you found your people.

  3. I am so happy you found where you belong and loved the process of rush. It was awesome for me to see all the new girls find their homes. I think that is so cool that you get to connect to your mom in all these cool ways. I hope you continue to love greek life.

  4. Saying I’m happy that you chose Alpha Xi would be an understatement. Benign your big, I have seen you flourish within our chapter. You have followed right in my footsteps by taking over the social media and graphic design chair. I honestly would not have imagined anyone else doing so. You are such a team player and are going to greatly improve the Alpha Xi Delta, Gamma Tau chapter.

  5. I completely relate to being so scared and feeling alone when I first got to ONU! I came here knowing nobody which was a terrifying feeling for me. I never thought I would go Greek, yet here I am in my second semester in Kappa Alpha Theta! My friend convinced me to try Rush and I thought I would hate it but turns out it was the best decision I could have made. Just like you said, my sorority gave me my best friends and the best big ever! It is crazy how you can connect with people so easily. I am so happy you found your perfect home!

  6. Beyond excited that my daughter is now also my xister!


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