Fabulous Facebook

        Our generation would not believe that Facebook is the most popular social media platform. While most of us picture old people when thinking of Facebook, the app is not necessarily just for grandparents. The age range with the highest amount of Facebook users is actually 25-34. I was very surprised to hear that. Personally, when I think of Facebook, I think of my mom. She posts almost every single day. I have never posted on my Facebook account because my entire life is documented in the posts, she tags me in. I wish I was joking. Even though I find her posts annoying, she has been building an audience for over a decade now and they love following along with her posts and to view what is going on in her life. Now, I am very appreciative of all of the posts because she has almost my entire life documented through the app. Even people I have never met before will say to me, "I have seen you all over your mom's Facebook. Congratulations on all of the things you are doing at Northern!" I awkwardly stand there and get a weird, creepy vibe for a few seconds before saying "Thank you!" However, this app has documented my entire life, and I am very grateful for that. From the first time I got on a bike, my first gymnastics competition, vacations and every birthday or holiday, Facebook holds all of those memories. 

        Learning that more men use Facebook than women was also a shock for me. In comparison to my mom, my dad does not even have a Facebook account. Along with that, Nick can't even navigate his own profile so, to hear more men are users than women was truly shocking. On the flip side, I was not surprised to learn that when posting, the shorter the text, the better. Personally, I can't stand when someone posts on Facebook and writes a book for the caption. I scroll right through it to view the picture or video at the bottom. Knowing how to utilize the text feature could impact what we include in the future. I know when I have been completing the simulations, I have been keeping most of my captions as short as possible, while still promoting the product in a concise manner. It is all about finding the sweet spot for your intended audience. This concept can apply to another aspect of social media to have in mind when writing a caption, hashtags! Utilizing hashtags is very important when posting on social media platforms. Twitter was the birthplace for the well-known tool, however now they are used on pretty much every platform. Posts that have hashtags receive over 60% more interaction, compared to posts without. Reading that information caught me off guard because on my own social media accounts, I rarely ever use a hashtag. Now, I will always include one!

    I am curious, did you find any of this information as shocking as I did? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I loved reading this! I love Mandy’s Facebook and Instagram so much! It is truly a time capsule of you and Emma and all your accomplishments. I was also mildly surprised that more men use Facebook than females, however, I know my uncle is a Facebook marketplace connoisseur. He is constantly on the interface buying and selling the most random things such as boats, Geotracker cars, and miscellaneous things. Thoroughly loved this post and all the mini Maddy pictures!

  2. This post encapsulated everything I think about when I think about Facebook. From old parents and grandparents posting every little thing you do to getting congratulated by people you've never met and having to awkwardly stand there and reply it was vividly pictured in my mind. I was also shocked to find out that Facebook was the number one platform and that more men used it than women. I feel like the stereotype of moms posting about their children all the time is really what pushed me to believe that women used it more than men but here we are!


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