Business Analytics

     I am going to apologize in advance for this blog. I am going to use this to vent about a recent experience that I went through, related to anxiety. 

    To start, it has officially hit the point in the semester where everyone is stressed and ready for summer. Classes are tough and I have a ton of work. This week, I had many papers due for a bunch of different classes and a couple exams last week as well. I got back my business analytics exam and multimedia diagnostic grade this morning. I am pleased to write that I did not do as bad as I anticipated. If you have never had Professor McClough, you are lucky, and I would like to paint a picture for you. We take three exams, each worth 25% of our final grade. The first exam was back in February and our second one occurred last Friday. The results of the first exam were horrible. The lowest grade was a 25% and the average was a 55%. I thought I did amazing on that exam, and I in fact got a 70%. However, he curves the test grades, so I actually got an 85%. Thank God. Even though I knew he would curve the second one, I knew it was going to be more difficult than the first, so I studied the entire day before. I spent around six hours in the library, solely focused on business analytics. When the test was placed in front of me, I answered what I could...half of the test. I was devastated. I worked so hard, just for the test to be impossible. I thought I failed the entire test, I actually wrote "I don't know" as an answer. People gave up, people cried, and I left for my long weekend pretty distraught. 

    I knew going into class today that we would get our grades back. I did not want to face reality. I was mentally preparing myself for a 40% all weekend. Professor McClough pulls up his "Exam 2 Results" PowerPoint and the first slide shows that the low was a 12% with an average of 55%, again. My heart was beating out of my chest. In that moment, I was preparing for the 12 in order to keep my expectations low. He went on a long spiel about how we will all be OK and that he curves the tests for a reason. He then passes the exam back out, extremely slow, and my test was one of the last to be distributed. I was terrified to flip over my paper. To my surprise, I scored a 64%. Now, that may seem terrible, but in his class, that is like a 90%. My score curved to a 79%. I was so excited!! Compared to the rest of the class, I actually did pretty well. Now I will have to face one last test, the final cumulative exam. 

    I did not intend to write this entire blog about one test grade. There are so many things going on in my life right now, this is just something that happened within the last few hours. I planned to write about a bunch of different things, but clearly that did not happen. I need it to be summer...I miss my family and am running out of steam to be able to run all around campus like I have been. I can't wait for more moments like the ones in these photos. 


  1. I am so glad that you were honest in this post because I literally almost signed up for the session with him as a professor but I was also warned not to. And now after reading this I know I made the right decision!!


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