"Essentials of Social Media Marketing"

     Our book for this course, "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" by Michelle Charello, was very insightful! I learned so much about social media over the semester and can't wait to apply my newfound knowledge to all of the upcoming content I will be creating! Personally, I have thoroughly enjoyed any book accessed through Stukent. I think the easy access, format and quizzes included on the platform are beneficial for students. 

    In this book specifically, I enjoyed how straightforward all of the chapters were. I hate when textbooks include a ton of useless paragraphs, full of information that you have to weed through in order to find the important takeaways. The graphics within the book were also amazing. I am a visual learner, so having a variety of graphics to demonstrate certain concepts was very helpful. The examples provided were impressive as well. Even though we would "waste time" in class to watch video examples, I actually think watching them made me remember things more for the tests. The real-world examples also helped me to develop an understanding of where I would potentially see or apply the topics in the future. 

    As I have said, I love Stukent. One of my favorite things about the online learning platform, is how everything is in one convenient place. What I mean by this is, for all of my other classes I have to use Canvas, wherever the book is located and an additional platform to complete assignments. For majority of this class, our assignments were solely located on Stukent, minus our blogs of course. Having the simulation and reading all in one place was very nice. I also loved how easy it was to access. I typically prefer physical copies of textbooks, but Stukent makes my backpack lighter and is organized very well. The only downside is constantly having to read a screen. Some online platforms also make information hard to find, but I did not run into that issue with this book. 

    Overall, I felt that I learned a ton of basics regarding social media. I am eager to begin applying my knowledge across all of the different platforms we discussed in class! 


  1. I agree that I liked how the book was straightforward and didn't put words just to have words. I also agree that it was nice to have everything in one place. It can be hard in other classes using a bunch of different websites.


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