Year One!

     I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on my first year at Northern. I have repeatedly mentioned how excited I am for summer, but I have not really talked about all that has happened this academic year. I plan to just list some highlights that made my year so great!

    To start, I met a group of girls during my first weekend on campus and truly thought they would be my best friends. Two of them ended up transferring and hating Northern, my roommate being one of them. While I was extremely excited to have my own room, I definitely was lonely at first. I also learned how nasty the bathrooms are in Park Hall. I can't wait to have my own bathroom next year! I will not miss the fire alarms going off either. 

    I quickly got involved in numerous organizations. I honestly have a hard time choosing a favorite organization, but Student Planning Committee might take the top spot! I love PRSSA, but it is basically work for me. SPC is with my friends, has fun events and is more pleasure or leisure than work. Dean's Advisory Council is another meaningful organization that I am so glad to be a part of. 

    A highlight of mine from this year, was all of the traveling opportunities that PRSSA provided. With the rest of the ONU chapter, I attended ICON in October. Nashville was the location of the conference this year and I absolutely loved the trip! Staying at the Gaylord Hotel was amazing, and I am so happy I went. Next, in March I attended Leadership Assembly in Seattle as ONU's chapter delegate. This trip was the most impactful, since I was able to leave as National Vice President of Digital Communications for the upcoming year. Finally, New York as our out-of-state firm trip. As I have mentioned, New York is awesome, and I can't wait to go back. The trip was not only educational, but also so much fun! I am so grateful to all of the people that made these trips possible, and I am looking forward to the upcoming trips, like Anaheim in the fall!!!

    I have learned so many lessons this year that will stick with me forever. I can't wait to no longer be a freshman and to enjoy a much-needed summer break! 


  1. Such an awesome first year for you! It's so cool you had all those opportunity as a freshman. I hope you have a great summer!

  2. This looks like such an amazing first year! I'm lowkey jealous! It's so amazing to see how involved you are as a freshman! I hope you have an awesome summer!

  3. You accomplished so much this frst year and it is exciting to see what might be in store for you in the future! I am glad you like Northern unlike your other two friends. it looks like you made some other friends after the other ones left which is exciting.


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