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Week From Hell

      Last week sucked for me. Basically, every aspect of my life had something go wrong. I received grades I'm not proud of, dealt with drama in my sorority, pushed through some long-distance struggles and to top it off, my car was almost stolen. Yes, in Ada, my back window was shattered Thursday night. My life feels like a movie someone else who hates me is writing.       Not to mention, I was supposed to work all of Saturday's events and had my cousin coming to visit. She has never been to Northern. I had the entire weekend planned out for us. All was wrecked when I discovered my car covered in glass on Friday morning before class. I missed a microeconomics quiz, review for an upcoming exam and work, because I was with public safety and the Ada Police Department for half the day. After they left me with a car full of glass, I had to drive to the car wash super slow and vacuum all of the glass out myself. I was an emotional wreck. My parents pretty much forced me to go home a

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